A collection of news stories from around the state, focusing on the budget cuts and other news of interest to UF faculty, students, staff, and alums.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

No excuse for shortchanging education in Florida, News Press (Ft. Myers)

By Richard Konkel
July 12, 2008

Remember the old joke about the farmer who tried to train his horse to eat less each day? “Why,” he said, “just about the time I had him fully trained, he died.”

But the joke is not funny — indeed it is pathetic — when it applies to the starvation diet the state has fed our public schools for many years. Florida ranks 47th out of 50 states in per-pupil expenditures. We spend $1,400 less per pupil than the national average.

To read the rest of this op-ed, click here.