A collection of news stories from around the state, focusing on the budget cuts and other news of interest to UF faculty, students, staff, and alums.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

School board: Each department should prepare for cuts, Gainesville Sun

December 16, 2008
By Christopher Curry

With the financial situation not looking any rosier for the foreseeable future, School Board members want all departments in the district to do some budget pruning.

During a discussion Tuesday about the coming 2009-10 school year budget — likely the first of many such meetings over the next several months — board Chairwoman Tina Pinkoson said she expected no department to be immune from cuts.

Assistant Superintendent Keith Birkett, who oversees the district budget, said the marching orders would be for all department heads to prepare cuts of between 5 percent and 7 percent.

For the rest of this article, click here.