A collection of news stories from around the state, focusing on the budget cuts and other news of interest to UF faculty, students, staff, and alums.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

To help state's universities, spread the money around, Palm Beach Post

December 16, 2008

There are two ways to look at University of Florida President Bernard Machen's decision to donate his $285,000 in bonuses to a scholarship fund.

The charitable way:

Dr. Machen has set a great example and put his own money where his rhetoric is. During his nearly five years running the state's flagship university, Dr. Machen has criticized Florida for offering too little scholarship help to poor students. The $285,000 will help young men and women who are the first in their family to attend college. Unlike the ex-chairman of Merrill Lynch bleating for his $10 million bonus after he ran the company into acquisition by Bank of America, Dr. Machen has put the institution before himself.

The less-charitable way:

For the rest of this editorial, click here.